In addition, players can rearrange teleports in the Slots list or change the left click option without any additional cost. Once players have paid for a teleport, it will be permanently unlocked to use freely, as long as the portal nexus exists and players keep them in the Slots list. To scry a location, click on the portal nexus within the interface. The Teleport interface can also be switched to Scry Mode, which uses the scrying pool's function to gaze into areas the player would be teleported to. The keyboard option 1 will serve as the left-click option on the portal nexus. Within the Teleport interface, a list will be displayed, showing the teleports the player has unlocked, as well as the keyboard options to use them (which depends on how the player arranged them in the Configuration interface's Slots list). The order in which these appear in the Slots list will affect the keyboard options on the right-click Teleport interface.

Players will be able to drag and drop the various teleports unlocked into available slots and select which of these acts as the left-click option. Once players have built a portal nexus, they may customise the teleportation interface via the right-click Configuration option. The teleport menu on a portal nexus, showing the keyboard options available. The runes do not have to be provided again.Ħ0% Arceuus favour, The Great Brain Robbery